Ledger® Live @ Desktop

Experience the future of crypto management today with Ledger Live Desktop. Last updated 8 days ago. Take control of your crypto portfolio with Ledger Live Desktop. Ledger® Live @ Desktop

Get Your Ledger Account

Getting Started with Ledger Live Desktop:

  1. Download Ledger Live Desktop: Visit the official Ledger website and download the Ledger Live Desktop application for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

  2. Install the Application: Once the download is complete, follow the on-screen instructions to install Ledger Live Desktop on your computer.

  3. Connect Your Ledger Device: Use the USB cable provided to connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer. Follow the prompts on the Ledger device to set it up or access an existing wallet.

  4. Initialize Your Device: If you're setting up your Ledger device for the first time, follow the on-screen instructions to initialize the device and set a PIN code. Write down your recovery phrase and keep it in a safe place.

  5. Pair Your Device with Ledger Live: Open Ledger Live Desktop and follow the on-screen instructions to pair your Ledger device with the application. You may need to enter your PIN code on the Ledger device to confirm the connection.

  6. Update Firmware (If Necessary): If prompted, update the firmware of your Ledger device to ensure that it's running the latest software version with enhanced security features.

  7. Explore Ledger Live Desktop: Once your Ledger device is paired with Ledger Live Desktop, you can start exploring the application and its features. View your portfolio, send and receive transactions, and manage your cryptocurrency assets with ease.

Security Tips:

  • Always ensure that you're downloading Ledger Live Desktop from the official Ledger website to avoid downloading malicious software.

  • Never share your Ledger device PIN code or recovery phrase with anyone. These are sensitive pieces of information that should be kept confidential.

  • Regularly check for firmware updates for your Ledger device and install them through Ledger Live Desktop to ensure that your device is running the latest software version with enhanced security features.

Last updated